{Ep. 045} Robyn Nohling on Hormonal Health from a Health at Every Size Perspective

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Robyn Nohling is a registered dietitian and nurse practitioner in New York City, specializing in eating disorders, metabolism and hormonal health. Her first job as a RD was alongside a primary care physician and endocrinologist where she was able to practice as part of a team, focusing on holistic and alternative nutrition. This job led her to pursue her NP as she desired to provide more comprehensive care to her patients.

While she was expanding her professional portfolio, Robyn was also training for a marathon and following a plant-based diet, something she believed, at the time, was the "healthy" way of living. A combination of hypothalamic amenorrhea, weight gain and her previous knowledge of hormones from working alongside an endocrinologist led her to shift her practice to focus on Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size.

In this episode, Robyn talks more about her journey, how her practice has evolved over the past six years, and the current research she is doing on hormonal health from a Health at Every Size perspective. Robyn talks about the importance of sleep and alleviating stress (which can be aggravated by things like food choices or over exercising), and the physiological impact that each of these lifestyle factors has on the body. For example, just one night of poor sleep can cause insulin resistance!

We're excited that Robyn will be joining our Boston community this year and will keep you posted on where and how to get in touch with her once she's here. To learn more about Robyn's work with hormonal health, stress and how to have a weight-neutral approach, listen to the full episode. 

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