Self Care Check-In Resources

It seems like Self Care has become synonymous with spa days and lattes, but in reality, caring for ourselves is simple (but not easy), and rarely costs a thing. Real and meaningful self-care often requires us slowing down and checking in with ourselves; essentially the opposite of chasing productivity.

Try using my Self Care Check-In Checklist below (or make your own!) throughout the week to make sure you’re taking time to support yourself and your needs. Click the image to download.

And, if you’re into journaling, scroll down and check out my 5 Check-In Journaling Prompts.

Let me know how it goes in the comments below!


5 Check-In Journaling Prompts

πŸ“ What's weighing on me?

πŸ“ What's bringing me joy right now?

πŸ“ Where do I want to put my energy this week? How do I want to be spending my time?

πŸ“ What do I want to prioritize?

πŸ“ How can I best support myself today?

Jessi HaggertyComment