{Ep. 047} Haley Goodrich on Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown


Haley Goodrich is a registered dietitian fiercely passionate passionate about helping others create flexible, joyful eating habits and cultivate a peaceful relationship with their body. Haley is the founder of her Pittsburgh-based private practice, INSPIRD Nutrition. She specializes in intuitive eating, eating disorder recovery and digestive health from a Health At Every Size perspective. She is currently pursuing her Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) Certification. In addition to her full-time private practice she is also the co-founder of INSPIRD to SEEK, a community- based learning experience designed to mentor and guide nutrition entrepreneurs to build amazing businesses.

In today's episode we're digging into Brene Brown's new book, Braving the Wilderness and how it relates to our wok as advocates for body justice and fat acceptance. 

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